PO Box 95
Lyttelton 8841
Te Ūaka recognises Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke as Mana Whenua and Mana Moana for Te Whakaraupō / Lyttelton Harbour.
A huge thank you to the helpers on our very successful working bee on Sunday. The weeds were stubborn and it's surprising what you find thrown into a corner - two car doors, one tyre, several rusted tools, and the rest. The site is now looking great. A big shout out to Malcolm, Pauline, Cheryl, Carl, Trevor, Liz, Lizzie, Helen, Brent, Wendy, Alan, and Claire and John who were simply strolling to meet friends for coffee but came down to lend a hand. Thanks to Brent & Wendy for supplying the ute and a special thanks to Pauline who had baked us delicious muffins.