PO Box 95
Lyttelton 8841
Te Ūaka recognises Te Hapū o Ngāti Wheke as Mana Whenua and Mana Moana for Te Whakaraupō / Lyttelton Harbour.
Many thanks to everyone who came out on Sunday for our working bee: Jos and Marion, Lindsay, Carl, Pauline, Lizzie, Murray, Trevor, Helen, Pete, Wendy & Brent, Peter, Liz, Isla, Gary, Tom and Alice. It was a great success and we had a fantastic turnout from not only committee members, but also our general membership. A special thanks to Wendy for the snacks, Brent for all the driving, and Peter for his direction on the installation.
The lawn was made possible thanks to generous sponsorship from Mitre 10 Mega, Ferrymead.
Thank you also to Geoff Edwards who has donated paint to beautify the concrete steps.